Thursday, April 29, 2010

Space Surfers!

Emme jaksaneet odottaa kesää ja aurinkoa, joten tuomme kesätunnelman museoon jo vappuna - jättimäisellä ilmapallolainelaudalla! Ja kun kerta vappu on, me tehdään paljon muitakin hauskoja kokeita, tietysti ilmapalloilla.
Joten, kesävaatteet ylle ja surffaamaan - Tiedemueson tyyliin!

We got tired of waiting for the sun, so we're bringing the summer feeling in early this weekend - with our giant balloon surfboard!
We have lots of other fun stuff with balloons. So put on your beachwear and surf with us to summer - our discovery way!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May Day Science Show - balloons balloons and more balloons!

What better way to celebrate the finnish may day holiday Vappu than with balloons - we have lots of balloon experiments in store, including surfing on our giant balloon surf board! How many children can we manage to get on board before the balloons start to burst? - Well it's sure going to be fun finding out!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kiitos kaikille jotka kyselitte synttäripakettia. Nyt meillä Tiedemuseossa on tarjolla useita synttäriteemoja limasynttäreistä koruntekojuhliin ja aina jäätelon tekoon nestemäisellä typellä!
Katso tarkemmin vaihtoehtoehdot ja hinnat nettisivultamme:

Kysy myos tulevista tyopajoista ja kesaleireistä!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Birthday Packages and Family membership info are online

Thanks to all of you who called for information about birthday packages!!! We now have the information regarding various birthday packages online.  You won't be disappointed with the variety of packages we are offering for a wide range of ages too!!!!

From slimy birthdays to making your own Liquid Nitrogen icecream...From making a fun transportation vehicle to making your own lipgloss, each package is filled with fun stuff to do.  Further more, Each child will receive a goody bag with one FREE admission ticket so they can visit and play again!!!

We started offering the Family membership last weekend in the museum and now we have that information online as well.  Ofcourse members will get 10% off in gift shop, birthday packages and other events...

Check them out...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shaping The Earth - Learn about rock formation, using candy and other yummy stuff!!!

Hi, this Thursday marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day - a great opportunity to think about the planet we all share, and how we can try to take better care of it. To mark this we have a very special science show this weekend - we will learn about the rocks that form the earth- different types of rock, how they are made, how they behave - and to make it more appetising, we are going to make the rocks out of candy! - I'm really looking forward to this one!!!
We are also going to demonstrate some of the forces of nature, and take a look at some of the effects that human beings have made during our short stay on this planet.

Hope to see you all there.

Friday, April 16, 2010

make your own dragon illusion this weekend...

Right after our science shows at 11am and 2pm (both saturday and sunday), we will help you make your own dragon illusion and take it home!!!  And during the show, you get to play with even more illusions!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

science shows and weekend

Starting this weekend, we will have science shows on both saturday and sunday at 11am and 2pm.  This weekend is all about Optical illusions.  Is what you see is really what it is or is it something your brain is telling you?  Come check it out.

Starting today, we have our Animated Butterfly exhibit up and running.  From now, everyday, children (or adults) can cut out their own butterfly and color it just the way they want and watch it take life and flutter in the wind.  Ofcourse they can take their beautiful creation home to show off to others. 

Starting May, we will have science demonstrations everyday!!

Stay tuned for information about family memberships and birthday party packages later this week...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

TV footage

Here's a longer TV footage of the opening on friday from YLE...

Friday, April 9, 2010

We are officially open

Yay!!! After years of planning and months of working and weeks of sleepless nights in building and setting up, we finally opened doors today welcoming 120 children.  It was awesome seeing so many kids playing and excited about the exhibits.  Forgot the camera in the museum so can't post pictures tonight but...we had radio and tv coverage today!!  Here's the coverage in regional news on TV2  It starts about 5 minutes into the news. 

And here's nice article on YLE/tampere website  with pictures of some of the exhibits.

Although in the afternoon, we had much smaller group, we started the Science show.  Richard showed fun experiments with Dry Ice, balloons and much more tying each experiment with the previous...Can't give out too much as we are going to have one tomorrow at 11:30am as well!! 

We have a few kinks to clear up and hoping the credit card machine will work tomorrow but other than that...we have a great day planned for tomorrow with Flying Circus coming in.  We dont' have a full fledged cafeteria but we will have some sandwiches, pullas, coffee, tea and juice to purchase.

more tomorrow...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flying Circus coming to Discovery Museum opening!!

Have you seen remote control airplanes flying to music?  That's what Flying Circus team does best!   And they are coming to our opening. 

We will have three shows on Saturday April 10 at 11am, noon and 2pm. 

We are very excited to bring a show that combines art and science together..  Stay tuned for more info on the weekend plans.