Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Last chance to see........ Mega Science Show

This weekend marks our final science show at the Discovery Museum of Tampere - No glum faces - not us!!! - instead we've decided to go out in fine style with a Mega science show, with all of our favourite experiments from previous shows, and a few more besides, everything from Balloon Fun, High Flying Rockets, Cool fun with Dry-Ice, Hair-raising Static Electricity - Oh and watch out for the Giant fizzy drink Geyser fountains - you have been warned!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Tänä viikonloppuna Tiedemuseossa tehdään tieteellisiä kokeita ruoka-aineilla jotka löytyvät jokaisen keittiöstä. Paistamme väriään muuttavia kananmunia, paikallaan leijuvia kuplia, kirjoitamme näkymättömällä musteella, teemme juustoa ja muuta hubaa.Tämä on viimeisiä tiede-esityksiä joten älä missaa vaan... tuu messiin!

Don't play with your food.....experiment!!! - Kitchen science this weekend at the Discovery Museum of Tampere

This weekend we'll be doing all kinds of fun experiments with food and cooking ingredients that you can find in your own kitchen at home -
We'll be showing amazing colour changing eggs, floating bubbles, secret invisible spy ink, how to make your own cheese, and much more!
This is one you really won't want to miss, so come on down and join the fun!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

hold on to your hats - prepare for take off

This weekend we will have our aerodynamics science show here at the Discovery Museum of Tampere. We will be exploring the four main forces in aerodynamics with experiments and demonstrations for each. We're going to have a lot of fun, so get your helmet and goggles on and fly on down for the show!!!!

After the main show, everyone will get a chance to make different kinds of paper aeroplanes, and fly them in our great aeroplane competition. Thanks to Alex at we have lots of designs for you to try from easy to challenging! - check his website there are many more! - Helpoja, hauskoja lennokkeja.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lennokkitempaus Pyynikin näköalatornilla!

Pyynikin näköalatornista lentää Tiedemuseon pääsylippuja!

Järjestämme perjantaina 23.7. klo 14.00 tempauksen, jossa heitämme Pyynikin näköalatornista paperiliidokkeja ja helikoptereita. Lennokit sisältää rahanarvoisen yllätyksen; joko alennetun tai ilmaisen pääsylipun Leilahdessa sijaitsevaan Tiedemuseoon.

Tule Pyynikin näköalatornille ajoissa ja nappaa ilmasta omasi!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blast Off... Again!!!

Hi, hopefully everyone had a great midsummer - Two weeks ago we had so much fun with rocket science, that we've decided to run the same show again this week - so if you missed it then, because of midsummer preparations - don't miss out a second time - Countdown 10...9...8...7........

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


3-7-vuotiaille pikkupaleontologeille. Teemme kipsistä dinosauksen jalanjäljen jonka voi viedä kotiin, dinosaurus-käsitöitä, leikimme dinoleikkejä ja kerromme tarinoita. Dinosauruksen esiinkaivaminen, jossa jokainen lapsi pääsee kaivamaan esiin pienoismallidinon luita ja liimaamaan niitä yhteen kotiinvietäväksi. Sekä aidon 500 miljoonaa vuotta vanhan fossiilin!
Dinoaiheinen lounas.

Keskiviikkona 14.7. klo 10-15. Hinta: 60€


Kaksipäiväinen leiri vanhemmille dinofaneille (7-12). Opimme fossiilien esiinkaivamisen tekniikoita ja paneudumme syvemmälle hauskoihin dinofaktoihin ja paleontologiaan. Miten fossiilit muodostuvat ja miten voimme määrittää niiden iän? Mitä dinojen nimet tarkoittavat? Jokainen lapsi pääsee kaivamaan esiin pienoismallidinon luita ja liimaamaan niitä yhteen kotiinvietäväksi.
Kaivauksessa lapsi löytää myös oikean, jopa 500 miljoonaa vuotta vanhan fossiilin, jonka saa kotiin.

Yllämainitun lisäksi syömme dino-aiheisen lounaan ja jokainen saa yllätyspussin
Jossa on dino-tarroja, tatuointeja, rintamerkki ja ilmainen sisäänpääsylippu tulevaa
museokäyntiä varten (arvoltaan 12e).

Torstai ja perjantai 15.-16.7. klo 10-15. Hinta: 100€

Paikkoja on rajoitetusti joten ilmoittaudu etukäteen joko sähkopostilla tai soita numeroon 044-255 5495 (Richard Raja-aho)
Ilmoitathan mahdollista lapsesi ruoka-allergioista.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Attention Dino Fans

We Proudly announce the arrival of our Dinosaur Workshop and Summer camp

In the Dinosaur workshop younger palaeontologists (3-7 years) will get the chance to learn all about dinosaurs, having lots of fun on the way. The workshop includes stories, fun and facts, games, craft activities, and will end up with a dinosaur excavation, wherin everyone will get the chance to dig up the bones of a model dinosaur to assemble and take home as well as a real fossil around 500 million years old!!!

the workshop will take place on
Wednesday the 14th july from 10am-3pm -
Price 60

The dinosaur summer camp is a longer (2 day) event, designed for older Dinosaur enthusiasts (7-10 years). As well as lots of fun, facts, games, crafts etc. we will look at palaeontology in more depth, including how fossils form and how we can date them, different excavation techniques, what the dinosaurs' names mean and much more. The children will also get the opportunity to dig up the bones of a model dinosaur to assemble and take home as well as a real fossil around 500 million years old!!!

The price also includes a dino themed lunch, a goody bag and a free child ticket, so your child can visit the museum again (worth 12€)

The summer camp takes place over two days,
Thursday the 15th and Friday the 16th of July, from 10am-3pm
Price 100

places are limited, so please book in advance either by email or call Richard on 044 2555495 (Tues-Sat 8am-4pm)
Please also let us know in advance of any allergies your child has

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Calling young rocket scientists - lets get moving!!!

This weekend we'll be taking an interesting look at the principles of propulsion - how to get things moving - starting with simple rubber band power, and moving on up to rocket science. we'll be launching a few rockets using different methods - we'll even show you how to make a working origami jet engine! It promises to be a really fun show, so jump on board and we'll reach for the stars - To Boldly Go........

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Radio tulee museoon!

Viikonloppuna (12.-13.6.) Tiedemuseossa tutustutaan radiolähetyksen saloihin. Miten radio toimii ja miten se keksittiin. Miten voit rakentaa itse radion helpoista materiaaleista? Saammeko yhteyden muihin radioamatööreihin? Tule mukaan! Esitys klo 14.00.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Tulevana viikonloppuna temme Tiedemuseossa hiuksia nostattavia kokeiluja sähkollä. Kokeilemme minkälaisen tärskyn saa 50 000 voltilla, opit tekemään elektromagneetin kotoa loytyvistä tarvikkeista, teemme kondensaattorin muovimukista ja foliosta jne. Tule pitämään hauskaa kanssamme!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

electricity science show this weekend

This weekend we'll be zapping into the exciting world of electricity!
Amongst lots of other hair raising fun and facts, we'll learn how to store electricity in a plastic cup, how to turn vegetables into batteries and how to make an electromagnet from household items we just had lying around!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Tänä viikonloppuna Tiedemuseossa leikimme pintajännitteen kanssa, ilmiön jota esiintyy mm. saippuakuplissa muodostumisessa. Otamme selvää miten vesiastian voi kääntää ylösalaisin pään päällä ilman että kastuu (toivottavasti!). Pidämme myös uimakilpailun saippuan voimalla uivilla kaloilla ja muita kokeita!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mahtava Magneetti Viikonloppu!

Tulevana viikonloppuna (22.5.-23.5.) kaikkea siistiä magnetismista! Tiedämme että aamiaismurotkin sisältää rautaa mutta kuinka paljon sitä oikein popsimmekaan? Se ja monta muuta asiaa selviää magneettiviikonloppuna Tiedemuseossa - teemme sähkomoottorin, kompassin ja muuta hauskaa!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Surprise a loved one - Gift vouchers now available

In response to a request from one of our customers, we now have gift vouchers available. They are available for any amount and can be redeemed against entry prices and gift shop purchases!

The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel.
Claude Bernard (1813-78)

Next weeks science show - Marvellous magnetism

This coming weekend (22.5-23.5) is all about magnetism -

We all know that our breakfast cereal contains iron - but have you ever wondered just how much iron is really in there? this weekend we're going to use magnets to find out - as well as making a simple electric motor, finding how a compass works, and doing lots of other really cool stuff!

hope to see you there.....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One month old museum and people behind it

I can't believe its been already more than a month since we opened!!.  People who see the museum and ask me how this all started atleast get my side of the story... But all that vision and dreams wouldn't have become real if not for a few people.  Marko who is basically the other side of me, Luova Tampere folks - especially Liina, people from Ensimetri, Nordea, designers and vendors from across the world to name a few helped make this dream real.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are two other people who not only played a key role in getting this place open, they also are the reason we can run the museum smoothly inspite of new things get thrown at us from time to time...These two are my team members Richard and Junnu.  They are allrounders - they give awesome new science shows that even little children can relate to every weekend, give extra special attention and science demonstrations for field trips, maintain our exhibits to make sure they are all safe and fun, take care of customers as they come in, keep the museum well maintained (in other words clean as well), make birthday parties fun and special and still manage to bring out 1-2 new exhibits in a week or two!!!  I would like to acknowledge their effort and thank them for deciding to come work with me at the museum..Richard with his "we have to make sure every exhibit is safe enough for even a 3 yr old no matter what the target audience actually is" and Junnu  with his "if it helps the museum, lets do it no matter what the effort is", are the best team I can hope for.  If only I could do a better job at marketing we will be on a roll haha:)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tee tänä viikonloppuna matka pään sisään!

Tervetuloa viikonloppuna tutustumaan neurotieteeseen - monenlaista jännää ja hauskaa aivoista. Tohtori Olga Kara PhD. Brain Fitness Centeristä auttaa meitä ymmärtämään mitä päämme sisällä oikein tapahtuu. Videoita, pelejä ja erilaisia aktiviteetteja tästä aiheesta koko viikonlopun! Olemme avoinna klo 10-17.

Get inside your head this weekend at the Discovery Museum

May is "mental health month", so to mark this, our weekend theme is neuroscience - everything to do with the brain and the nervous system.

Dr. Olga Kara PhD. from the Brain Fitness Center will be coming to help us all understand something about what goes on up there inside all our heads.

We'll have videos, games, and all kinds of brain related activities, so bring your brain along to join us in the fun this coming weekend!

Olemme helatorstaina avoinna!

Museomme on helatorstaina normaalisti avoinna klo 10-17. Tiede-show, ja tekemistä koko perheelle.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mahtava ääni - Tiedeshow sukeltaa äänen maailmaan. Super Science of Sound Show this weekend

Hei kaikki! Koska me Tiedemuseossa rakastamme musiikkia, tänä viikonloppuna paneudumme äänen maailmaan - miten ääni syntyy, ja millä periaatteella soittimet toimivat. Teemme hauskoja kokeiluja ja lapset pääsevät kokeilemaan mikrofonilla miten monin tavoin omaa ääntä voi muuttaa. Puuhastelemme myos hauskat pikku soittimet, jonka vie viedä mukanaan kotiin.
Pidetään yhdessä kivaa ja tehdään meteliä!

Hi there - Since we all love music here at the discovery museum, this weekend we'll be getting into the science of sound - discovering what principles make musical instruments work, as well as playing with microphones and changing our voices in all sorts of interesting ways. We'll also have a workshop to make a simple musical instrument to take home with you and lots more fun besides! As with all our weekend science shows, the more the merrier, so come along and join the chorus!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Space Surfers!

Emme jaksaneet odottaa kesää ja aurinkoa, joten tuomme kesätunnelman museoon jo vappuna - jättimäisellä ilmapallolainelaudalla! Ja kun kerta vappu on, me tehdään paljon muitakin hauskoja kokeita, tietysti ilmapalloilla.
Joten, kesävaatteet ylle ja surffaamaan - Tiedemueson tyyliin!

We got tired of waiting for the sun, so we're bringing the summer feeling in early this weekend - with our giant balloon surfboard!
We have lots of other fun stuff with balloons. So put on your beachwear and surf with us to summer - our discovery way!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

May Day Science Show - balloons balloons and more balloons!

What better way to celebrate the finnish may day holiday Vappu than with balloons - we have lots of balloon experiments in store, including surfing on our giant balloon surf board! How many children can we manage to get on board before the balloons start to burst? - Well it's sure going to be fun finding out!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kiitos kaikille jotka kyselitte synttäripakettia. Nyt meillä Tiedemuseossa on tarjolla useita synttäriteemoja limasynttäreistä koruntekojuhliin ja aina jäätelon tekoon nestemäisellä typellä!
Katso tarkemmin vaihtoehtoehdot ja hinnat nettisivultamme:

Kysy myos tulevista tyopajoista ja kesaleireistä!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Birthday Packages and Family membership info are online

Thanks to all of you who called for information about birthday packages!!! We now have the information regarding various birthday packages online.  You won't be disappointed with the variety of packages we are offering for a wide range of ages too!!!!

From slimy birthdays to making your own Liquid Nitrogen icecream...From making a fun transportation vehicle to making your own lipgloss, each package is filled with fun stuff to do.  Further more, Each child will receive a goody bag with one FREE admission ticket so they can visit and play again!!!

We started offering the Family membership last weekend in the museum and now we have that information online as well.  Ofcourse members will get 10% off in gift shop, birthday packages and other events...

Check them out...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shaping The Earth - Learn about rock formation, using candy and other yummy stuff!!!

Hi, this Thursday marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day - a great opportunity to think about the planet we all share, and how we can try to take better care of it. To mark this we have a very special science show this weekend - we will learn about the rocks that form the earth- different types of rock, how they are made, how they behave - and to make it more appetising, we are going to make the rocks out of candy! - I'm really looking forward to this one!!!
We are also going to demonstrate some of the forces of nature, and take a look at some of the effects that human beings have made during our short stay on this planet.

Hope to see you all there.

Friday, April 16, 2010

make your own dragon illusion this weekend...

Right after our science shows at 11am and 2pm (both saturday and sunday), we will help you make your own dragon illusion and take it home!!!  And during the show, you get to play with even more illusions!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

science shows and weekend

Starting this weekend, we will have science shows on both saturday and sunday at 11am and 2pm.  This weekend is all about Optical illusions.  Is what you see is really what it is or is it something your brain is telling you?  Come check it out.

Starting today, we have our Animated Butterfly exhibit up and running.  From now, everyday, children (or adults) can cut out their own butterfly and color it just the way they want and watch it take life and flutter in the wind.  Ofcourse they can take their beautiful creation home to show off to others. 

Starting May, we will have science demonstrations everyday!!

Stay tuned for information about family memberships and birthday party packages later this week...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

TV footage

Here's a longer TV footage of the opening on friday from YLE...

Friday, April 9, 2010

We are officially open

Yay!!! After years of planning and months of working and weeks of sleepless nights in building and setting up, we finally opened doors today welcoming 120 children.  It was awesome seeing so many kids playing and excited about the exhibits.  Forgot the camera in the museum so can't post pictures tonight but...we had radio and tv coverage today!!  Here's the coverage in regional news on TV2  It starts about 5 minutes into the news. 

And here's nice article on YLE/tampere website  with pictures of some of the exhibits.

Although in the afternoon, we had much smaller group, we started the Science show.  Richard showed fun experiments with Dry Ice, balloons and much more tying each experiment with the previous...Can't give out too much as we are going to have one tomorrow at 11:30am as well!! 

We have a few kinks to clear up and hoping the credit card machine will work tomorrow but other than that...we have a great day planned for tomorrow with Flying Circus coming in.  We dont' have a full fledged cafeteria but we will have some sandwiches, pullas, coffee, tea and juice to purchase.

more tomorrow...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Flying Circus coming to Discovery Museum opening!!

Have you seen remote control airplanes flying to music?  That's what Flying Circus team does best!   And they are coming to our opening. 

We will have three shows on Saturday April 10 at 11am, noon and 2pm. 

We are very excited to bring a show that combines art and science together..  Stay tuned for more info on the weekend plans.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Our first field trip booked for Opening Day!!!

The museum will open officially with 120 children entering the museum!.  The whole International Playschool in Pynikki with children ranging between 3-6yr olds are going to come as our first field trip group.  What better way to open a childrens museum than welcoming 120 kids?

Our guest of the day for the opening ceremony is Irene Roivainen from Tampere city and UTA, Lasse Paananen from Luova Tampere and others.  

We will post the details of the opening weekend and the activities we are planning for that weekend soon...Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Matikkamansen Sirpa Haapaniemi ja Tuija Husu kävivät vierailemassa ja juttelimme mahdollisista matematiikkaan liittyvistä näytösesineistä. Heillä oli ideoita varsinkin geometristen palapelien suhteen. Näistä voitaisiin saada varsin mielenkiintoisia asioita ihmeteltäväksi ja mietittäväksi.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Mittasimme ovien kokoja, ja jouduimme toteamaan että seinän sisään piilotettu ovi on avattava.
Tampereen aluepelastuslaitoksen Veijo Kaján sai meille lainaksi ihka oikean paloauton!
Kokoa on paloautolla aika lailla, rakennukseen sisälle mahduttaminen vaatii jonkin verran työtä.

Auto tulee esille näkyvälle paikalle, hankala sitä olisi piilottaa :)

Olemme hyvin innoissamme tästä.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Brio, Klein bottles and Dinosaur bones

What do all of them have in common?  None what so ever.  Just wanted to update on those three exhibits that are in progress.  Brio (Thank you Ms.Kati) very graciously sent us lot of tracks and trains for the 3meter long Finland train table.  We painted it this weekend and today its standing on its legs!!!  Just a little more painting and gluing the tracks left before trains can make their way all around the country.  Dont know about kids but I can't wait to play with it (I mean try it out).

We found some really cool Klein bottles and ofcourse had to get one along with one that is sliced in the middle to show how it really does look like a Mobius strip.  This company is in Oakland Ca.  When the order went in, the confirmation email came with a note:

"A reasonably intelligent (well, not overtly stupid) person (namely me) will read everything over before filling your order.  I won't charge your credit card until I actually box up your Klein Bottles and they're ready to go out the door." 

Never recieved such a funny note in an order confirmation email.  Once the order got shipped, got another email with another funny yet memorable note saying he just came back from a bike ride to the postoffice mailing the stuff.  and in the end of the note was

"I dinged your credit card for USD$xxx.  And in case you collect digits, the credit card authorization ticket is xxxxx".

 And the literature they included with the Klein bottle was equally funny and special.  Thank you Cliff for making the whole deal a fun exercise.  We can tell you love your work!!.    Haven't seen such a sense of humor in product sales and as promised the Klein bottle is awesome.

Did I mention we are also building a 3.5meter long T-rex wooden puzzle?  each piece is light enough for even a 3yr old to hold yet the details Richard put in are amazing.  As usual, I got to paint the pieces and the paint we used have a very nice texture. 

I wonder if I am giving away all the surprises!!!  Nah! there's plenty left:)  have a good week everyone


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another successful event at Ideapark

Yesterday we were at ideapark.  We took last time's favorites - Bernoulli blower, trains and Fun flystick.  We added the "Chinese Spouting Bowl" and "Theramin" to the list.  Richard also set up a Microphone for kids to sing and set up the amplifier such a way the output sounds quite funny.  All the exhibits have been a blast and was a good mixture for little ones to adults.  Theramin is the only musical instrument in the world that's played by  not touching it.  It was quite fun watching the children just wave the hands and giggle when its makes sounds.

Most of the visitors succeeded in  making the water "jump" with the Chinese Spouting bowl.  But we forgot the camera so don't have any pictures to add to the blog:( 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Article in Aamulehti and Press Release

Yesterday was an exciting day for us.   Two major things happened yesterday. 

First article about the museum came yesterday in Aamlehti - big regional newspaper.  It was a big article too.  We need to scan it and post it here soon.   The news suddenly made the museum a bit more real.

City of Tampere issued a press statement yesterday regarding the Opening of the museum.

42 more days to go to the opening.  and we will be in Ideapark again tomorrow from 11am - 3pm.  Come check us out. We are bringing 3-4 exhibits that can fit into a car to play.  One of them is a cool one to make water jump in a bowl!!! 

more news soon....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Museum opening date and location and...

Sorry about not posting since New year.  It only means that we have been busy getting everything lined up!.  We have the grand opening date for the museum....Pencil it in everyone...

Its  April 9 2010 at 10am!!!

Just 44 more days left for the opening and ofcourse so much to do before that.  We also have our first team member joining this monday - Richard.  He is a wonderful teacher in our local International Playschool.  He is a musician, awesome teacher, knows his science, great with kids and very very creative designer and builder and puts kids safety first before anything else.  What else can we look for in a team member who will be working on children's exhbiits and be with children every day?  He has been volunteering his free time to build a couple of exciting exhibits.  Welcome aboard Richard.  and a big Thanks to Shawn Rizzo, director of International playschool in Pynnikki to be so understanding and helpful and let us steal one of her longstanding employees. 

Luova Tampere has been helping us with networking, marketing plans and branding.  A special thanks to Liina Kangas for all the help she is giving us from setting up meetings with all important people around the city to help us find a builder who can build the birthday rooms and gift shop in the museum. 

And we are planning for a grand opening weekend.  Friday it will be the official opening but on saturday we are planning some fun stuff.  We will post more on this as time come closer so please do watch the blog.  And we promise to post more often from now on so we can update everyone what exciting things are happening from now till THE DAY:)